Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Artist Travel: What to Pack

We are now 10 days away from our 6 week France adventure. I have been gathering supplies and despite being away for weeks we are travelling light.  Since the boys will not have lots of toys or books to keep them occupied many of their activities will involve us hanging out together.  One activity that we enjoy doing together is drawing.  We took a trip to the art supply store and each boy picked out their own sketch book.  Elliott at age 5 needs a simple spiral bound which will be easier for him to keep open while drawing.  Kyan at age 8 chose a black sketch book.  I had some older ones laying around and am bringing two for myself.  We also have a set of pencils, sharpener, glue in case of any scrapbook inspirations and a thin black Sharpie. I'm also brining a gouache paint set with three brushes, and a set of 24 colour pencils.   

Last year on our trip to England I brought a piece to work on.  Our trip was only 3 weeks and we kept very busy with sightseeing.  When we did have down time I decided to read rather than stitch.  This year there will be much more regular day-to-day living since Dave will be working regular work days.  So I plan to take advantage of sewing time to get a several pieces stitched towards a two-person show.  And I am bringing a small piece of fabric that I designed in my course with fabric paint on muslin.  It will be a keepsake for me to hang in our home.  In the future I will look at it and remember our time in the south of France.

When deciding what art supplies to bring your trip intentions are the first thing to consider.  If you will be sightseeing 99% of the time a sketchbook and camera may be all you should carry.  Any other supplies will just weigh you down.  Trips are a great time to soak in new inspirations and rest your making side.  If you are travelling for an art retreat that is another story.  Finding compact options for sketchbooks and supplies will be a big help in terms of keeping your luggage weight down.  

But if you are travelling and staying for longer periods bringing along small projects can be useful, especially during down time in airports etc.  There are often times while travelling that you have to wait unexpectedly and having something to do with your hands to fill the time really helps with patience.  
I will add a small lidded jar for carrying water when we are out and about and I may add more embroidery floss to this pile as well and my DSLR camera is also not in the photo above.  All the art pieces will be bound for finishing after the trip.  There is no room for sewing machines on this journey. The excitement is mounting...if you are travelling this summer I wish you the best.


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